Just another short status update on the m68k port and the autobuilders. According to Buildd.Net we have currently 6425 packages installed:
wanna-build statistics - Sat Feb 16 22:52:37 CET 2013 ----------------------------------------------------- Distribution unstable: --------------------- Installed : 6425 (buildd_m68k-ara5: 1011, buildd_m68k-arrakis: 86, buildd_m68k-elgar: 217, buildd_m68k-kullervo: 52, buildd_m68k-vivaldi: 123, tg: 3234, unknown: 1701, wouter: 1) Needs-Build : 1375 Building : 35 (buildd_m68k-ara5: 1, buildd_m68k-arrakis: 1, buildd_m68k-elgar: 1, buildd_m68k-kullervo: 1, buildd_m68k-vivaldi: 1, tg: 30) Built : 3 (buildd_m68k-arrakis: 3) Uploaded : 14 (tg: 14) Failed : 80 (buildd_m68k-ara5: 31, tg: 49) Dep-Wait : 3 (tg: 3) Reupload-Wait : 0 Install-Wait : 0 Failed-Removed : 0 Dep-Wait-Removed: 0 BD-Uninstallable: 1750 Auto-Not-For-Us : 187 Not-For-Us : 21 total : 9978 64.39% (6425) up-to-date, 64.53% (6439) including uploaded 13.78% (1375) need building 0.35% ( 35) currently building 0.03% ( 3) already built, but not uploaded 0.83% ( 83) failed/dep-wait 0.00% ( 0) old failed/dep-wait 17.54% (1750) not installable, because of missing build-dep 1.87% (187) need porting or cause the buildd serious grief (Auto) 0.21% ( 21) need porting or cause the buildd serious grief
Considering from where we came we’re doing well. Especially given the fact that still some buildds are not working properly because of the missing SCSI driver for NCR53C9XF (espfast) chips. Having that driver working would result in 4 additional buildds and at least one that is currently using slower IDE interface.
Oh, even Kullervo is working again! Now it just needs to get relocated to the datacenter again… 🙂