First m68k buildd relocated to FU Berlin

It’s already been some days ago, but our first m68k buildd,, has been relocated to its new hosting facility in Berlin on June 2nd. Its new home is located at the Physics Department of Freie Universität (FU) Berlin. So a big thank you to FU Berlin and John Paul Adrian Glaubitz to make this happen!

With Elgar being now hosted in Berlin the resurrection of the m68k port is steadily ongoing. More machines will be follow Elgar: while Elgar will be accompanied in Berlin by Akire (, Kullervo and Crest will hopefully be hosted at their old hosting donator NMMN in Hamburg somewhat later. The m68k port itself is doing fine and coped well with the all the new packages after the release of Wheezy:

  wanna-build statistics - Sat Jun 15 16:51:13 CEST 2013

Distribution unstable:
Installed       :  7041 (buildd_m68k-ara5: 1016, buildd_m68k-arrakis: 157,
                         buildd_m68k-elgar: 201, buildd_m68k-kullervo: 238,
                         buildd_m68k-vivaldi: 153, tg: 53, unknown: 5223)
Needs-Build     :   780
Building        :     9 (buildd_m68k-ara5: 1, buildd_m68k-arrakis: 3,
                         buildd_m68k-elgar: 2, buildd_m68k-kullervo: 2,
                         buildd_m68k-vivaldi: 1)
Built           :     1 (buildd_m68k-elgar: 1)
Uploaded        :     0
Failed          :    73 (buildd_m68k-ara5: 51, buildd_m68k-kullervo: 10,
                         tg: 12)
Dep-Wait        :     3 (tg: 3)
Reupload-Wait   :     0
Install-Wait    :     0
Failed-Removed  :     0
Dep-Wait-Removed:     0
BD-Uninstallable:  1977
Auto-Not-For-Us :   192
Not-For-Us      :    50
total           : 10227

 68.85% (7041) up-to-date,  68.85% (7041) including uploaded
  7.63% (780) need building
  0.09% (  9) currently building
  0.01% (  1) already built, but not uploaded
  0.74% ( 76) failed/dep-wait
  0.00% (  0) old failed/dep-wait
 19.33% (1977) not installable, because of missing build-dep
  1.88% (192) need porting or cause the buildd serious grief (Auto)
  0.49% ( 50) need porting or cause the buildd serious grief

We are now constantly above 7000 packages installed, which is great considering the fact that we were at 10% keeping up by December 2012. Now we are approx 70% with just 5 buildds.

Of course we would like to get more buildds up & running, but currently there is the SCSI driver for the NCR53C9XF(espfast) chip missing for m68k. Sadly this chip is used on several accelerator cards for Amiga. With a working SCSI driver we could easily double our number of buildds. But I hope that this will just be a matter of time… 🙂


3 thoughts on “First m68k buildd relocated to FU Berlin

  1. Not quite.
    The m68k port itself is doing fine and coped well with the all the new packages after the release of Wheezy ← it didn’t.

    eglibc FTBFS due to a syntax error in user assembly.

    gcc-4.8 FTBFS due to the addition of gcj into the main gcc source package, which FTBFSes since 4.7.

    linux doesn’t FTBFS but is too big to boot on, at least, the Atari.

    1. When you consider from where

      When you consider from where we came (last December) and where are we now, we’re performing fine IMHO.

      Sure, there are some problems like you mentioned, but it’s not that we’re doomed. 😉


      1. If we don’t get gcc and
        If we don’t get gcc and eglibc and linux fixed, we *are* doomed. Very shortly, for the former two.

        And I’m somewhat out of time to invest. I’ll continue letting stuff build, but other…

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