50 gute Gründe gegen ACTA

Wer noch gute Gründe braucht, um morgen gegen ACTA mit auf die Straße zu gehen, der findet 50 gute Gründe gegen ACTA auf der Webseite der Fraktion der Grünen im Europäischen Parlament. Und ein gutes Video gibt es noch gratis dazu:

Hier mal die ersten 10 Gründe, den Rest müsst ihr dann selber auf der Webseite nachlesen

  1. ACTA is bypassing international fora, such as WIPO and WTO, which is particularly worrying considering the magnitude of the issues it is dealing with.
  2. ACTA was negotiated in a totally non transparent way, which is unacceptable considering the impact the agreement may have on citizens.
  3. ACTA establishes the ACTA committee in Article 36 as its own governing body which could lead to amendments of the agreement without any democratic control.
  4. ACTA encourages a climate of relegation of the concerns of the public and of public interests that is counterproductive.
  5. ACTA threatens the balance of copyright legislations.
  6. ACTA locks us into an approach, when we don’t know what will be, for instance, the technological evolution in the future.
  7. ACTA can lead to the criminalisation of not-for-profit sharing.
  8. ACTA encourages the targeting of technical intermediaries to be forced to remove material from the Internet, something that presently requires a court order.
  9. ACTA imposes liability rules that will reduce the flexibility of European countries regarding limitation to remedies allowed by the TRIPS agreement to the disadvantage of EU companies, and particularly SMEs.
  10. ACTA never mentions fundamental rights, when it clearly could jeopardise some of them and constitutes an offensive against the vision set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.