Krise bei den Piraten?

Today there was on, a German IT news site, a report that Comcat will start migration tests to IPv6 in its network. Interested customers can participate after some initial preparation is finished. They plan to use 6RD, which was developed by Free, an ISP in France back in 2007.

Is this the start of the expected big move to IPv6? I hope so! I’m using IPv6 for about a year now and don’t want to miss it anymore. Sure, I access most sites via IPv4, but this is just because there aren’t that many sites out there that offer dual stack hosting in IPv4 and IPv6 land. Even Google is just offering a dedicated domain ( for its search engine. Even is not dual stacked. The reasons for running two separate websites, one for IPv4 and one for IPv6, are often said to be issues with applications and such.

My for websites I can’t confirm such issues for the time I’m running IPv4 and IPv6 on the same sites or the same host. But I registered an increase in access from IPv6 enabled hosts during the last year. So, is the move of Comcast to offer a (more or less) public test program for IPv6 connectivity the start of using IPv6 in masses? I know that in Asia IPv6 is more widely spread than anywhere else, but will the Comcast move force websites to open their contents to IPv6 as well? Basically the problem in IPv6 introduction is usually some sort of chicken-egg-problem: without customers with IPv6 connectivity there won’t be IPv6 enabled content, and without IPv6 enabled content there will be no need for customers to demand content that is accessible by IPv6. Comcast might have an impact in demanding IPv6 enabled content, I think. How about you, dear lazyweb?


7 thoughts on “Krise bei den Piraten?

  1. Ich empfand die Piratenpartei auch als sehr erfrischen bei dem letzten Wahlkampf. Endlich gab es mal wieder eine neue Partei, die es verstand Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zu ziehen und mutig genug war, um neue Ideen und Konzepte anzusprechen.
    Nach dem Erfolg bei der Wahl hätte ich auch gedacht, dass Sie dort weiter machen, wo sie aufgehört haben und sich eventuell noch steigern können. Schade, dass das Gegenteil der Fall ist.
    Im Moment scheint es sowieso zu sein, als gäbe es keine Opposition in Deutschland, da auch die anderen Parteien nicht wirklich aktiv zu sein scheinen. Dabei sollten sie gerade jetzt den Kampf wieder aufnehmen.

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