Buildd.Net: etch-skolelinux added

Oh, well… in my last blog entry I stated that I’ll move my drupal installation to my new server.

But I didn’t know at that time that drupal has been orphaned and a grave bug has been filed to prevent it from being released with Etch. Very, very bad…

However, I’ve evaluated serendipity yesterday evening, but although it looks very nice and feels more speedy than drupal, it lacks some of drupals features like static pages (or I haven’t found out how to do that).
And additionally, the Debian package of s9y has some issues when using a remote database. You can’t start with a remote config using dbconfig -common (which is a really nice thingie on itself), but you have to abort the current debconf run, edit your config file of s9y in /etc/dbconfig-foobar/ and (really important!) fix a bug in /etc/serendipity/

Instead of $dbserver='yourserver'; it has to be $dbhost='yourserver';, because is being sourced in /usr/share/serendipity/www/ which has the following line:

$serendipity['dbHost'] = $dbhost;

So, it’s really unlikely that s9y will ever know where your database server is. Alternatively you can change that line in /usr/share/serendipity/www/, of course.
Guess I’ll have to file a bugreport about that.

Anyway, it would be nice if someone would adopt drupal and make it into Etch.
